Wired Wednesday: Accessible/Adaptive Xbox controller, MIA & Style Match
This week on News 1130 radio in Vancouver, I spoke about these tech topics for Wired Wednesday with Ben Wilson:
This week on News 1130 radio in Vancouver, I spoke about these tech topics for Wired Wednesday with Ben Wilson:
Recently, I stumbled across a useful and free iPhone app that I’ve been meaning to review on this site. This post is not that review. This post is about my recent experience(s) with it at Save-On Foods, which is a local grocery store chain. As the post title implies, it doesn’t end well. First of…
Earlier this week, I was contacted by CBC News to see if I’d be interested in talking on camera (as a technology expert) about various bluetooth devices and handsfree technology on the market. The reason for the story was the new law which goes into effect in British Columbia as of January 1st, 2010 where…
This week on News 1130 in Vancouver, I talked about: Print any drug using the Chemputer: Professor Lee Cronin at Glasgow University is working with a modified 3d printer to create a machine that can ‘print’ just about any pharmaceutical with the ultimate goal to allow people to do this in their own home. The…
Earlier this year I heard about a new gadget that sounded very interesting, the Biolite Camp Stove. It enables the owner to burn just about anything in it’s burn chamber. But what makes it special is that it has an orange power module attached that has a USB port on it and uses the energy…
Recently I managed to get an invite to try out Google Glass. And by ‘try out’, I mean I got to plunk down $1500US to own a pair myself of the second generation device. They won’t be available to the general public until sometime in 2014 at an unknown price point (but I doubt they…