
Tekeh Episode 003: Steve Dotto

Me and Steve at my first live show.
Me and Steve at my first live show.
Episode 3 of my Tekeh podcast has me chatting with Canadian tech pioneer and broadcaster, Steve Dotto. We sat down in a little cafe in Kerrisdale with a latte to record the episode. We talked about the origins of his television career, the impact of change on our need for new technology and a bunch of other great stuff.

You can listen to it here, on the Tekeh site or on iTunes.

It was a great chat and we recorded it just before heading to the studio for a live App Wednesday show (I lost to the new guy, Connor, but it’s okay, he’s cool) which was followed by the first post-show meetup that had a bunch of people that listen to the show come out for some beer and wings with everyone from the show.

I should mention that Tekeh now has the beginnings of a Facebook page so feel free to like it there, subscribe and rate it on iTunes, or comment about the show here.

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