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Tech Tuesday: Facial Recognition blocking glasses & tiny 3d printable batteries
This week on News 1130 Radio in Vancouver, I talked about these items: Privacy visor glasses jam facial recognition systems to protect your privacy: Currently being developed at Japan’s National Institute of Informatics, these glasses have a number of near-infrared LEDs embedded in them that are invisible to the human eye but blinding to facial…

3D Book Update: Launch Party June 2nd!
Just a quick update about my book, 3D Printing with Autodesk. Firstly, you can read a chapter for free here (PDF). It’s one of my favorite chapters as it covers using 123D Catch to 3D ‘scan’ an object to make a printable 3D model like the cactus above. My friends at Zen Maker Lab have…

3D Printer Village @ Maker Faire Vancouver 2012
Just got home from a weekend of nerding out with thousands of folks at Vancouver’s 2nd annual Mini Maker Faire. Whew…I haven’t talked that much in a long time! It was two straight days of showing people 17 (!!) different 3d printers we managed to pull together in our “3D Printer Village” which has to…
Prusa Mendel build update #6
This past weekend, Brad came over and helped me tweak things on my Prusa Mendel. He immediately noticed a few issues in the prints I had previously made. I ended up swapping out my PLA bushing X-carriage with an updated Greg’s X-carriage with LM8UUs (soooo smooth now!), with the intergrated belt tensioning system (a pain…