

BarCamp Vancouver 2008

I spent most of yesterday on Granville Island at BarCamp 2008 and it was a blast. Things actually started off Friday night at WorkSpace for the opening night party and then up bright and early for the actual ‘unconference’ on Saturday. This year, I helped organize PhotoCamp which is one of the few pre-determined ‘tracks’…

CameraBag iPhone App

Just found this app tonight and bought it on the spot. CameraBag (iTunes App Store link) lets you play with any photos you have on your iPhone as well as take new ones in a number of unique ways. Starting with a photo I already had in my library (from a recent trip to Hawaii…


Qik for the iPhone

At MobileCamp Vancouver this past weekend, I thought it might be fun to try out Qik.com‘s iPhone app. It’s currently only available for use on jailbroken iPhones (via Cydia). While David was talking about some iPhone tricks, I streamed him live via wifi to Qik and we had it on the projector in the room….

MobileCamp Vancouver 2008

MobileCampVancouverĀ is bringing together iPhone junkies, Crackberry addicts, couch surfers, coffee shop hackers, vagabonds and mobile nomads to share the current state and their visions for the future direction of mobility.Ā MobileCampVancouverĀ hopes to support the many voices helping to unlock the potential of a truly mobile life. Topics may include – but are not limited to –…