
Bose Corn Maze

Bose Corn Maze

This past weekend, I was invited to a corn maze tweetup as well, we were looking for a location for a photowalk as part of our No Compacts Allowed Facebook group. Seemed like a good idea to merge the two events and take a bunch of camera gear down to the Bose Corn Maze, deep…

Powell Street Photowalk

This past weekend, there was a photowalk along Powell Street. It was the first of hopefully many that a group on Facebook is organizing. My pal Scott is one of the admins. We hope to have these every couple of weeks so if you’re interested, make sure you join the group to keep in the…

Zombies invade Vancouver

I guess it was inevitable…first I spent some time in the morgue, now Zombies have taken over downtown Vancouver. Here’s some of my photos from the annual Zombie Walk that appears to be very popular the world over. Kimli asked me to shoot some photos of the zombies participating in the Thrill the World Vancouver…

Vancouver Pride Parade 2009

I can only imagine what an unassuming tourist visiting Vancouver would have thought when they turned the corner onto Robson street this past Sunday morning and stumbled upon the staging area for the 2009 Vancouver Pride Parade: There were more DSLR cameras in use along the parade route than I’ve ever seen in one place…

WordCamp Fraser Valley 2009

Tomorrow is the last day for early bird registration for WordCamp Fraser Valley taking place on August 22, 2009. The registration prices go up as of August 1st. I’m going to be there speaking in the development track about using MAMP/WAMP for WordPress development. MAMP is the version of the software that runs on Apple…