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A Visit to Seattle’s Hackerspace: Metrix Create Space

During the recent holidays, I spent a few days in Seattle. One of the things I’ve wanted to do there for awhile is visit Metrix Create Space, Seattle’s hackerspace. Conveniently, they have a regular 3d printer night on Thursdays and that happened to be the night I had free to visit. Upon arriving, I was…

AllThings3D.com is alive!

I’ve been busily printing Prusa Mendel RepRap parts for people on my MakerBot for awhile now and decided to finally setup a proper online store for them and other printed objects at AllThings3D.com After playing with a bunch of different storefront options, I’ve decided to just use a simple PayPal order button for now. There…

TEDxVancouver 2011

TEDxVancouver 2011

This weekend I attended the 3rd installment of TEDxVancouver. It was held at the Chan Centre out at UBC which is a stunning place to witness any kind of event or performance. In this case, a thousand people came out for the day to listen to speakers from all different backgrounds and disciplines. I was…