

BikeCam fail

You probably knew this was coming. I bought an $8 camera mount and trusted a $400 camera on it while riding on a bumpy gravel trail. Turns out that the P6000 doesn’t have any stabilization while shooting video so I should have switched back to the much lighter Zi6 camera before pressing on with my…

Who is John Biehler?

Robert Lee, the ‘Voice’ of Mythbusters on the Discovery Channel made a custom voicemail greeting for me after I mentioned on Twitter about how cool it would be if he did…as if I needed any more reasons why the internet is awesome! I added the theme music and title card….Robert even sent me a couple…


Live from the Couch

Today, I stopped off at the Bootup Labs/Strutta offices and did a guest spot on the couch with Jordan for a holiday edition of Couch Beers. We chatted about Jordan’s upcoming iPhone acquisition, MobileMe, steps to secure your iPhone, some of my favourite applications and a new piece of gear I just picked up (which…