

Live from the Couch

Today, I stopped off at the Bootup Labs/Strutta offices and did a guest spot on the couch with Jordan for a holiday edition of Couch Beers. We chatted about Jordan’s upcoming iPhone acquisition, MobileMe, steps to secure your iPhone, some of my favourite applications and a new piece of gear I just picked up (which…


Deja Vu all over again

Looks like Rogers is about to repeat their PR nightmare from last year’s iPhone 3G launch by holding back the pricing of the iPhone 3GS for current 3G owners until the last possible minute. There hasn’t been nearly the same level of outrage as last time around but the rumours and speculation are running rampant…being…

MobileCamp Vancouver 2008

MobileCampVancouverĀ is bringing together iPhone junkies, Crackberry addicts, couch surfers, coffee shop hackers, vagabonds and mobile nomads to share the current state and their visions for the future direction of mobility.Ā MobileCampVancouverĀ hopes to support the many voices helping to unlock the potential of a truly mobile life. Topics may include – but are not limited to –…