3D Printing

Achievement Unlocked: I Wrote a Book about 3D Printing

Achievement Unlocked: I Wrote a Book about 3D Printing

This website has been a wonderful outlet for me to share some of my favorite things, places I’ve been and more. It started out as simply a place to direct people to for more information on something that interested me. I never imagined that, as a result of my little posts here, that a book deal would come my way. That’s just what happened last year. Apparently if you write about something enough, people think you’re somewhat of an expert and so I was asked if I’d like to write a book about 3D printing.

Behind the scenes of Ford’s 3D Printing facilities

Behind the scenes of Ford’s 3D Printing facilities

Earlier this week I had the chance to get a behind the scenes tour of the Ford Motor Company’s 3D printing facilities at the Beech Daly Technical Center in Dearborn, Michigan. This facility is normally closed to visitors (I was only allowed to take photos in certain areas) so this was a pretty rare opportunity…