Wired Wednesday: Huawei P30 Pro, Smart Glasses & Cloudflare VPN
This week on News 1130 radio in Vancouver, I spoke about these tech topics for Wired Wednesday with Ben Wilson:
This week on News 1130 radio in Vancouver, I spoke about these tech topics for Wired Wednesday with Ben Wilson:
For the last little while, I’ve been playing with a new 3d printer on loan from my friends at Tinkerine Studio called the Litto. This is a mini version of their popular Ditto printer which I’ve mentioned before. The $999 Litto (kit plus the $79 LCD controller which is an optional addon) has a small…
As part of my continuing adventures with a 3D printer, my next project is printing an actual 3D printer, the opensource Prusa Mendel, a Reprap derivative. Well, printing a good portion of it anyways. Aside from a larger build platform which utilizes a slightly different way of printing from my MakerBot (both the extruder and…