Wired Wednesday: BoxLock, Palm & Airwrap Styler
This week on News 1130 radio in Vancouver, I spoke about these tech topics for Wired Wednesday with Ben Wilson:
This week on News 1130 radio in Vancouver, I spoke about these tech topics for Wired Wednesday with Ben Wilson:
This week on News 1130 radio in Vancouver, I discussed these items: Wearable tech for your dog: Popular devices like the FitBit and Nike Fuelband have been used by people to measure their physical activity levels for a while now. Now you can ensure that your dog is also getting the right amount of exercise…
This week on News 1130 radio in Vancouver, I talked about these items: JoggoBot – a modified quadcoptor that follows you by tracking a special pattern on your shirt via it’s onboard camera. It keeps pace and encourages you to keep going while on your morning jog and can even speed up to challenge you….
I’m a little late to the party but I was recently given a HP TouchPad by the nice folks at HP Canada and stumbled across an interesting app today called Preware. In the WebOS world (which runs the TouchPad and other Palm/HP smartphones) it’s the equivalent of Cydia for iOS devices which basically allows you…