Wired Wednesday: Nimb, Pinterest Lens & PowerRay
This week on News 1130 radio in Vancouver, I spoke about these tech topics for Wired Wednesday with Ben Wilson:
This week on News 1130 radio in Vancouver, I spoke about these tech topics for Wired Wednesday with Ben Wilson:
Tonight I attended what will likely be the first of many ‘multi-rotor meetups’ in North Vancouver. What started as a conversation on the forum of the 3D604.org group evolved into a very well attended meetup in an unused lot along the waterfront. As you can see below, there were a lot of different models of…
Recently I picked up a Lytro Light Field Camera. I’ve only ever seen one ‘in the wild’ and that was at SXSW earlier this year. So what is it? A light field camera is basically a new(ish) form of photography that allows the photographer to change the focus of an image after the fact as…