Wired Wednesday: Panasonic Smart Mirror, MightTV & SnapIT
This week on News 1130 radio in Vancouver, I spoke about these tech topics for Wired Wednesday with Ben Wilson:
This week on News 1130 radio in Vancouver, I spoke about these tech topics for Wired Wednesday with Ben Wilson:
I was on the radio for another fun App Wednesday with Steve Dotto, David Hathaway and Art Factora and was hoping that my pick would take the crown for best app and it appears that it did. The video and photo above were showing Cycloramic in action. I found the app a few weeks ago…
Recently I managed to get an invite to try out Google Glass. And by ‘try out’, I mean I got to plunk down $1500US to own a pair myself of the second generation device. They won’t be available to the general public until sometime in 2014 at an unknown price point (but I doubt they…
The fine folks at Phottix sent me their latest creation, the Geo One GPS module. This is an almost exact replica of the Nikon GP-1 GPS module I reviewed previously with a couple of minor differences. The most notable difference is price. One of my main (if not only) issue with Nikon’s unit was it’s…
I’ve seen a lot of 3D printers lately and one printer that surprised me was the Printrbot. A few people in our club have them and I was blown away by the quality they were getting from such an inexpensive 3d printer – which meant a $500 machine. I usually tell people to expect to…