New Gear section
Just a little post highlighting the new gear page I just added that lists all the photo, video and tech gear I use regularly.
Very similar to my Flickr profile listing but more in depth and lots of links to it all for the curious.
Just a little post highlighting the new gear page I just added that lists all the photo, video and tech gear I use regularly.
Very similar to my Flickr profile listing but more in depth and lots of links to it all for the curious.
Just upgraded to the latest version of WordPress (isn’t that what all geeks do on their vacation?) and of course my theme isn’t compatible…so you get the default until I make it work or find another one. UPDATE: And we’re back…just had to comment out one line of PHP code and the world is once…
I’m home now after being in various parts of the Pacific Northwest for the past five days. Here’s the tally of my iPhone usage during that time: A grand total of 82.2mb over 5 days. Multiplied out to a full 30 days (x 6) equals 493.2mb ….I could see using something in the neighbourhood of…
Shane and I seem to live in parallel worlds with a few differences. We both are pretty hard core nerd/geek types that like our gadgets. We both have blogs. In Shane’s world, he has a cute pug named Serendipity. Sadly, I do not have a dog (but would like one). In my world, I have…
Inspired by kk’s bag photo, I thought I’d document ‘most’ of what I’ll be carrying around with me during the Olympic Games at any given time. I’ll most likely change things up depending on where I’m going to be on a given day but this stuff won’t be far from me at all times. Click…
Inspired by my pals Duane and Kris‘ recent photographic efforts online, I decided to rebuild my photography section on this site which previously was just a plugin that pulled in my Flickr stream. I’ve decided to make it a daily photo kind of site. Using a new theme (Duotone) which changes the screen colours based…