Create amazing photo collages
This is some pretty slick software, called Shape Collage, available for Mac/PC/Linux and it’s FREE!
I pointed the application to a few hundred iPhone photos (most of them from SXSW) on my computer (it can also traverse web url’s for photos or even my local Aperture library), then hand drew a cactus shape and it then arranged all the photos in the shape I drew:
You should view this larger to see the detail. There is (of course) a group on Flickr for these as well.
Pretty amazing and cool with endless possibilities.
(found via CyberNet)
You didn’t mention the name of the software: it’s Shape Collage. I used it to make the Northern Voice MOOSE collage.
You’re right Derek…I’ve fixed that! Thanks!
I’ve never given this a try, but I think it’s about time I do.