Social Media in Plain English
Lee and Sachi are at it again…this time with ice cream!
Social Media in Plain English from leelefever on Vimeo.
Lee and Sachi are at it again…this time with ice cream!
Social Media in Plain English from leelefever on Vimeo.
Over the holidays, I got to check out a friend’s Go Pro HD which really blew me away since you can put it just about anywhere thanks to its numerous mount options, waterproof housing and wicked wide angle lens. Unfortunately it’s about $300 and I just can’t justify that right now but I still wanted…
Today, I had the pleasure of seeing Dr. Lawrence Lessig give the keynote for the Privacy & Security conference I’m attending in Victoria (albeit from the back of the room due to a huge coffee lineup). I’ve been aware of Dr. Lessig’s work for a long time now as he is one of the original…
Still kinda sketchy and hard to tell since it was shot with a Nokia N95. Not exactly definitive proof but promising nonetheless. Check out the blog post from Now if someone would just release/offer for sale the unlock….
Last night, Duane came over and we decided to test out the new HD Movie rental options on my new AppleTV. We choose Michael Clayton as neither of us had seen it and figured it was a good choice because we didn’t really know much about the story. Note: the HD movie rentals are currently…