Social Media in Plain English
Lee and Sachi are at it again…this time with ice cream!
Social Media in Plain English from leelefever on Vimeo.
Lee and Sachi are at it again…this time with ice cream!
Social Media in Plain English from leelefever on Vimeo.
The other day, Thingiverse member Bmoshe posted this awesome 3D model of Yoda. Easily the highest resolution model I’ve printed so far on my MakerBot coming in at a whopping 147mb (versus 1-5mb for a complex model on average). It took forever to render the toolpath in Replicator G but was worth it! It took…
Earlier this week, I had the priviledge of being invited to attend a boat cruise to help introduce Wantsa to the local social media scene. They’ve been pretty quiet about what Wantsa’s all about and then they went and hired my friend, Colleen Coplick who has the awesome title of ‘Professional Loudmouth’ for Wantsa. She’s…
If you believe this video: and the blog post related to it, it appears that a hardware unlock solution has been discovered. Apparently it requires some complex soldering but they also claim that a software unlock will be forthcoming “in less time than it takes to ship a Turbo SIM”. Exciting stuff if it’s true!
Dan Saffer (who gave a great presentation at SXSW about Learning Interaction Design from Las Vegas) posted a few links to some great videos from the TED conference. I especially liked this video of Malcolm Gladwell speaking about things we can learn from spaghetti sauce or as Dan put it, “why you shouldn’t design for…