Test drive the eeePC’s desktop
Someone has put together an html demo of the eeePC’s easy mode desktop so you can see what it’s like:
Just found this app tonight and bought it on the spot. CameraBag (iTunes App Store link) lets you play with any photos you have on your iPhone as well as take new ones in a number of unique ways. Starting with a photo I already had in my library (from a recent trip to Hawaii…
You’d think it was Christmas or something. Been treating myself to a few little things lately…the kind of stuff nobody would ever buy for me so it’s all good. While on another iPhone gathering expedition with a friend in Seattle (which also included picking up a droid and a Rock Band), I stumbled across this…
Apparently, they can…and there are lots of them! Over 235 zombies invaded the Roundhouse this past Saturday for Thrill the World Vancouver, part of a global event to simultaneously perform the Michael Jackson classic to break a world record, as well as raise money for the the Vancouver Food Bank. I managed to get a…
Last night I was fortunate enough to be invited to talk with Robert Sanzalone on his live pacificIT Radio show in Japan. He’s currently living in Japan and is a technologist from the Vancouver area with his finger firmly on the pulse of everything in this Web 2.0 world. There is still something cool to…
As I mentioned in my previous post, I’ve been playing around with my shiny (actually it’s matte black) new Nintendo DSi. One of the new features of the DSi is the fact that it has two onboard cameras (one facing towards you and one facing outwards), albeit sub-megapixel ones. There is a built in camera…
Last week, I travelled across Western Canada with a few folks from WOMWorld/Nokia, Michael, April, and Daniel in a RV as part of a cross-Canada promotional tour for Nokia’s latest N-Series smartphone (on Rogers in Canada), the N97 Mini. We started our trip in Vancouver, ending up in Calgary just in time for the Stampede…