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Theme your iGoogle
While catching up on my RSS feeds via Google Reader, I saw that Google has greatly expanded the theme options for their personalized homepage called iGoogle. I really like iGoogle for a couple of reasons: it’s cross browser/platform so it works fine on my work PC running Firefox or (shudder) IE or any of my…
Look what I made
My first truly designed 3d printed object! Kinda. I have created other things (mostly font based objects) but this is the first thing I literally sketched out and ended up with a physical object. It’s taken awhile to finally get up to speed on all the different tools and techniques required to do this (and…
WordCamp 2007 Recap
While vacationing in Sunnyvale last week, I took some time out to attend WordCamp 2007 in downtown San Francisco. It was about the only thing I had planned to do while down there as I mostly just wanted to hang out with my friend Jason who recently started working at my personal mecca, Apple. The…
Third Tuesday Vancouver
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Super Happy Dev House Vancouver
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Another reason to like Apple
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